Are you looking for your life partner on online dating sites? Even though the rise of dating apps has increased and is continuously growing, these pools can be relatively shallow.
Just like every coin has two sides, online dating sources have their own pros and cons as well. However, in the search for a potential date, people are sacrificing love for convenience. If you’re among those millennials who believe online dating platforms as a trustworthy source, then know there are some ugly truths about it too. So here are some reasons why online dating is not the best option to find your life partner.
1. Dishonesty and Distance
No doubt, dating apps can be easily accessed by anyone from any corner of the world, but do you really think that people reveal their true identities on social sites?
Even though people want to be appealing, they know that true identity is rare nowadays. For instance, you will be talking to a woman older than you but it can be clearly hidden that she posted photos of younger selves.
In the same way, a man too can lie about his financial position or about having a better job by giving false information in these dating apps.
2. Chances of Cyber Crime
Nowadays people use dating sites mostly based on the features it provides, but little do they know these can be a problem lately. For instance, if you’re using a dating app that has the feature of showing locations, then it is really not a good thing as it can result in scams like bullying or following. It is very important for one not to provide his/her phone number, personal email address, address, etc. Therefore, even though some apps have strong verification mechanisms, They cannot be fully trusted on what people say and show.
3. Relationships don’t last
Though many people are opting for online dating platforms these days, one of the ugly truths about such apps is that one-third of all people have never actually gone on a date with someone they met online. Don’t you think this is one of the biggest drawbacks of finding a life partner on an online dating site? Therefore, this can be a great reason why relationships through online dating do not work for long.
4. This leads to self-doubt
Gone are those days when we used to hear cute love stories about how couples met as the rise of dating apps has changed the world truly. But the truth is that even though people are falling more for such online dating apps, not every user has a happy ending. If you’re looking for your perfect life partner on online dating platforms, then know it has many disadvantages. One such drawback is that it can easily lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem. Besides, it also disturbs one’s peace both emotionally as well as mentally.
If you’re looking for a soulmate, then online dating is just much more of a photo-matching app. Therefore, not every person is the same and good at heart, so spending your life with someone who values you by the outer look and not by heart, then it will definitely lead to self-doubt.
5. Picky and judgmental
The other name for online dating apps can surely be named as a crowded digital space. This is because it has plenty of fish in the sea which as a result can make one picky and judgemental. This also can make one feel exhausted while finding between the good and bad one. For instance, there are more possibilities of getting bored if a person keeps on scrolling again and again. In such situations, a person can end up making profiles on different online dating apps which can make the whole experience confusing, judgmental and stressful.
6. Be Clear with your Expectations!
However, people are switching more from traditional methods to more ways of social interaction. No doubt, online dating services have become the most popular way of dating, but it is also a way to address some serious problems. No matter what people’s intentions are, online dating sites have something for everyone, all one needs to be clear is about their expectations.