October 21, 2024
Tips to create seo friendly website

The main purpose of creating any website is to earn business or to reach people and this is possible only if your website performs better in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, etc. If a person searches for keywords or information related to your website and your website which is SEO compliant, then the chances of it appearing in the search result increases and the more your website appear above in the search engine, the more business and traffic you gain.

10 factors you need to pay attention to while Designing SEO friendly website

Do you really want to make your website SEO friendly, it is necessary that you take care of these things before designing an SEO-friendly website. It is not necessary to build a website in any specific language or technology. Either you design a website in PHP, or in CMS technologies like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc, or in any other development language, Just only provide these necessary guidelines to your developer or designer before starting the website? If you are planning to build a website, then pay special attention to these main 10 SEO Tips.

1.  Website Layout and design should be Mobile Friendly:

Designing SEO Friendly Website

At present most internet users are on mobile. Almost more than 80% of the users of the websites come through mobile, so it becomes necessary that the website should be mobile device compliant and easy to run for the user and the structure and behavior of the website should be user friendly.

2. Webpage should be fast loading and light:

Google Page Speed insight

As you know, most of the users of any website come through mobile and the internet speed of mobile is not high as compared to office or home internet. In some places, the signal comes in 2G frequency, in such a situation if the page size of the website will be more or the webpage will take more time to open, then the user closes such website before it is opened. Therefore, the bounce rate of this website will increase and the search engine does not like this type of website at all. The average loading speed of any website should be below 5 seconds.

3. Clean and Easy navigation system along with Proper Breadcrumb structure:

Breadcrumb Pagination example

The navigation system of the website should be simple enough so that any user can easily find the information or pages he wants to visit. If the navigation system of the website is complex, then the user will have that much difficulty in finding it and the user immediately goes out of such a website. Therefore, the menu and navigation system of the website should be very simple and at the same time, it is necessary to provide breadcrumbs neatly on every page so that the user can easily navigate to the previous link or category. According to Google, it has become necessary to have breadcrumbs on the website.

4. User Readable Meta Title and Meta Description:

Meta content Picture

Meta title or page title and meta description is a very important part of any page. The page title and meta description are the first written items that appear first in search engines. After reading this, the user decides to click on that link. The user refrains from opening such sites even if the meta title and meta description do not correspond to the search keyword or are not understandable to the user, so the meta title and meta description of the website should be understandable and easily readable by the user.

5. XML & HTML sitemap:

xml sitemap file

A sitemap is the page of any website in which links to all the pages, categories, videos, images, etc. of the website are given. It is the blueprint of a website that helps the search engine to find and crawl all the internal links present in the website, as well as it tells the search engine that which page is more important in the website and which one is not. It helps the search engines to crawl the site’s links quickly and easily. It is very helpful for new websites to crawl in search engines.

6. Use of heading tags like h1 tags, h2 tags, h3 tags in the website:

The use of heading tags like h1 tags, h2 tags, h3 tags in the website is of great importance. Just as by reading the main heading of any writing, we understand what the article is about, similarly the importance of H1 and other heading tags in the website. By dividing the content in the right heading and subheading in any webpage, it becomes understandable to the user. Search engines like Google prefer articles that are properly divided into headings, subheadings, and bullet points. So try to break down your article into the main heading, and the rest of the subheadings and bullet points.

7. Don’t Miss Alt Tag in Images:

Alt tag in image

Along with the content of the website, images and graphics are also used, do not forget to use the alt tag while placing the image on the website. Alt tag means the alternate text of the image. This means that if the image breaks or does not appear, then its alt tag appears instead. Alt tag helps the search engine to find out which topic the image is related to. Therefore, in the alt text of the image, use the corresponding and related keywords of the page.

8. Easy To Find Inquiry and CTA (call to action) Button:

If your website is a service provider website and the user connects to you through the website, then you have to keep in mind that whenever the user comes to your website through the search engine, then if he wants to join you or take your service, then he Can easily connect to you and he should easily see the option of inquiry, call or email, try to have an inquiry form or CTA (call to action) button at the end of the article so that the user can easily contact you.

9. Always use Unique Content:

Whatever written content you put on the website should be unique. Copying from another website and putting content on your website can cost you a lot. Google can penalize such websites, so before putting the content in the website, take care of its accuracy and uniqueness. It is said in digital marketing that “content is king”. Therefore, the greater the amount and Unique content will be on the website, its quality in the search engine will be as good. There are many online plagiarism checker tools by using them you can check if your content is copied or unique.

10. Custom 404 page:


Some broken links can be created in any website or sometimes the user opens the page by typing the wrong link of the page, due to which the error page comes in the site and in this state many times the user moves out from the website after seeing the blank page or error page. Therefore, to avoid this, it is necessary to create a custom 404 page on your website. The custom 404 pages should be the same as the website so that the user can go to the menu or other link. Google also recommends creating custom 404 pages on the site.

Similarly, there are many other important things that can make the website SEO friendly by applying in the website. These are some of the essential things mentioned above which any person should keep in mind while making a website.

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